Friday, April 10, 2015

Easter Colors

Last weekend may have been my favorite weekend of 2015 thus far. Not only was it the first truly beautiful weekend we've had - bright skies, warm rays, and green grass, but it was both Passover and Easter Weekend- a great reason for everyone to be in the company of loved ones. But maybe my favorite reason why last week was so personal joyous for me was because it was the rite of spring. There's no looking back at winter now- truly clear skies ahead, both figuratively and metaphorically. With spring comes pastels, dresses without tights, white jeans, a preppier more minimalist wardrobe, but of course a moderate amount of spring black. Is that a thing or did I just make that up? The Easter colors of my parents home were so beautiful it put me in a mood to not only post about it, but eat all the Cadbury eggs in the bowl and switch out my winter wardrobe.

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