Monday, March 23, 2015

Brussels Sprout Salad

All winter I've been roasting my brussels sprouts in the oven with some other winter-y vegetables like butternut squash, cauliflower, and zucchini, but now that its officially spring, despite the winter weather, I"ve gone from roasting to shaving! It's super easy and super crunchy. I think I almost prefer it more than iceberg lettuce. It's heartier. And finely chopped, they bring you a long way. Five brussels sprouts will yield an entire bowl. *If you make the night before for lunch, the vinaigrette marinates the brussels sprouts without wilting them. They absorb all the beautiful flavors of the lemon, apple cider, & honey vinaigrette.

 Chicken, Avocado Salad with a Lemony Apple Cider Vinaigrette

Weight Waters points: 6 pts
Calories: 230 calories

  • 5 Brussels Sprouts
  • 1/4 Avocado
  • 3 oz Grilled Chicken
  • 1 Tbsp Feta Cheese
  • Chopped Red Onion
  • Salt & Pepper to taste
  • 1 Tsp Apple Cider 
  • A Squeeze of a Lemon
  • A drizzle of honey

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