Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Ecohabitude: Eco Friendly Designs You Can't Find Everywhere

I'll be honest; I'm a label whore. Those of you who know me personally can vouch for me. However, my first job at an e-commerce start up changed my view only only buying from well known brands - most of my job was hunting for and discovering the less established designers that had a whole lot of potential, given the right platform. I'd meet designers at Brooklyn Flea, or in their studio apartments that also housed a metal smith workshop in the back. What I came to realize was as great as it was to own the "It" thing to have, it's cooler to own something  that nobody has. Woah, a complete 180.

Now, of course, ironically I work for the largest retailer in the world, and I'm less exposed to those designers trying to make it big, but I was invited to a launch event for a new e-commerce site,,  that reminded me of why, although I love my Zara's, TopShops, and H&Ms, I also thoroughly enjoy the act of discovering the trendy, eco-friendly unknown! First of all the showroom was stunning. Designed by all product available on their website, there was a serenity that provided a whimsical  yet chic atmosphere that made you want to tiptoe as you gazed around and whisper when you spoke. The intent, I'm sure, to demonstrate how achievable eco-living can be.

Ecohabitude is a new e-commerce company that caters to consumers interested solely in eco-friendly product across all price points and all categories - you can even buy furniture and food. Not only do they do an awesome job offering a plethora of different product, they offer a wealth of different, what the website calls, "ecotags" or badges of honor and integrity, to mark how the each vendor is eco-friendly. Looking for organic materials? They got it! Free-trade product? They have

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