Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The "Luke I am Your Father" Hat

Spotted: Not one, but two people donning the Balenciaga oversized sun visor in Milan last week. Never could I have predicted that Balenciaga's 2012 runway hat would take to the streets. A functional accessory that blocks out all rays of sun, it seems it'd be the perfect utility for the most experienced sharecropper. That or for ridding the world of red necks. How bout it. Wear one of these and the backs of necks will no longer bear any exposure to the light, hence the elimination of the literal red neck.  But its not the functionality of this over-the-top sun visor that really has me excited. Its the obvious influence of Darth Vader. Come on, how can you overlook that! 

 As a Star Wars fanatic one would expect my exuberance over a Star Wars inspired accessory. And I am, but I think I'm still in shock after not expecting to see these take to the streets. Hopefully, the next the IT accessory will be Princess Leia's braided bun hair. Now that would be a sight to see!

One can only hope.  

So what's that proverb? Good always triumphs evil? Well it seems that the Dark Side has prevailed. 

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