Friday, February 6, 2015

I'm a huge fan of Tumaro's Low-In-Carb wraps. They are 60 calories each. I found them at my local grocery store in a plethora of bold flavors and at a price point that is right within my budget, $4.99 for a pack of 6. I"ll use them to make low val breakfast sandwiches in the morning, greek yogurt tuna salad or chicken salad for lunch, or simply a quesadilla  with low fat shredded cheese and salsa for a 150 calorie snack. Tonight I made salmon tacos (well technically a burrito) with a mango avocado salsa. 


4oz pan seared salon seasoned with salt and pepper

One Tumaro wrap


1. 1/4 diced avocado 
2. Half mango 
3. Coarsely chopped cilantro
4. Red onion
5. 1 lime

Calorie Count: 330 calories

Salmon 170 calories
Wrap 60 calories
Avocado 40 calories
Mango 60 calories

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