Friday, November 29, 2013

Winter On A Budget

I haven't posted on this blog in almost a year. But with time off from work and shopping on my mind (although its on my mind 365 days a year) I thought what better way to spend my time than gathering some Wishlist items to share.

Winter puts a dent in my budget, always. I'm less inclined to walk, which results in expensive taxi rides. I'm more prone to grabbing that hot cup of coffee at the corner coffee shop to warm me up, and my heating bill keeps me from spending money on the things I really want to spent it on (aka, clothes shopping). But I always manage to find a way to add new clothing to my wardrobe. Thank you Forever21! I may not be a great sale shopper (I really do hate sifting through racks and racks of clothing in hopes of finding a great deal) but when it comes to Forever, I'm always up for the challenge. The "Wow, I love your outfit! Where did you get it?" remark is the reward for the many hours spent looking for those great pieces that add to the staples of my wardrobe.

In celebration of Black Friday, here is a money-conscious assortment of some must haves from ASOS and Forever21 all under $100 (most under $50).  

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